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Maximize the potential of your residence with our tailored house extensions in Barnet!

At LLM Brothers, we recognize the significance of space and practicality within your living space. Whether envisioning a spacious kitchen extension, a cozy sunroom, or an additional bedroom for your expanding family, our team is dedicated to realizing your aspirations. With our proficiency in house extension and unwavering commitment to superior craftsmanship, we seamlessly integrate your new space with your existing home, fostering a cohesive and functional living environment tailored to your lifestyle. Reach out to us today to explore your ideas and embark on transforming your house into the home of your dreams!

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Systemy ubezpieczeniowe w wielu krajach są bardzo zróżnicowane i podobne do siebie zarazem. Ów różnice, wynikają zazwyczaj z regulacji prawnych danego państwa. W Wielkiej Brytanii, tak samo jak w Polsce działa publiczna służba zdrowia, jednak różni się od siebie znacznie. NHS – National Health Service – nie przysługuje jednak każdemu.

Czy ubezpieczenia zdrowotne UK i ubezpieczenia indywidualne UK są dla wszystkich?

Z publicznej służby zdrowia w Wielkiej Brytanii, odpowiednika Polskiego NFZ mogą skorzystać w pełni darmowo:

  • Osoby, które mieszkają na terenie UK przez co najmniej ostatni rok,
  • Osoby korzystające z usług oferowanych przez NHS studiują, pracują, prowadzą działalność lub odbywają co najmniej półroczny kurs.

Warto podkreślić, że osoby bezrobotne, ale legalnie zamieszkujące na terenie UK przez ostatni rok, również mogą skorzystać z darmowych usług NHS. Dotyczy się to również turystów, którzy przyjechali na wycieczkę i potrzebują pomocy medycznej w sytuacji zagrażającej życiu.


Instytucja lekarza rodzinnego również występuje na terenie UK i jest nim General Practitioner. Aby umówić się na wizytę obejmowaną przez ubezpieczenie zdrowotne UK należy zrobić to w przychodni odpowiedniej do miejsca zamieszkania – można sprawdzić jej adres na oficjalnej stronie NHS.

Karta EKUZ UK a ubezpieczenia UK

Może też mieć miejsce sytuacja, w której osoba odprowadza składki na ubezpieczenie zdrowotne w Polsce, ale pracuje też w Anglii. Należy wtedy wyrobić i zabierać ze sobą kartę EKUZ, która pozwala jej posiadaczowi na otrzymanie opieki zdrowotnej na terenie UK po mimo jej wyjścia z Unii Europejskiej. Należy jednak pamiętać, że zostały wprowadzone istotne zmiany w tej kwestii. Bowiem świadczenie ubezpieczenia zdrowotnego UK przy pomoc karty EKUZ jest uregulowana w dwóch dokumentach: umowie wyjścia oraz umowie o współpracy. Oznacza to, że tylko osoby objęte przepisami jednej z ww. umów będą miały zagwarantowane świadczenia w ramach karty EKUZ.

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Reasons To Hire Professional Commercial Cleaning Services For Your Post-Construction Cleaning

When you’re about to start a major business or renovation project, you will probably look at arranging the services of a professional cleaning company in London. Most construction projects take a while to complete, but when the project is finished that is the ideal time to arrange the cleaning services your London site will obviously need.

For sites that are still in use with further construction imminent, the need to get a commercial cleaning company in right away is even more important.

Some commercial cleaning London companies will offer to clean up after remodeling work, but for post-construction, there are a few great reasons why the services of a cleaning company are recommended.

Convenience and Speed
Even when your building or facility construction project is completed, there is much to do before the site is ready for normal work to be resumed, which is where commercial cleaning in London comes in. When you use a professional cleaning company, you will get the benefit of their manpower, and the convenience of having more people getting the job done quickly and efficiently.

Right Tools for the Job
Regular cleaning may well be fine for day-to-day activities but when it comes to sorting out a post-construction mess, you will need the services of a professional cleaning company in London. From sawdust to silica, and drywall dust that settles on the baseboards, light fixtures, and on just about every horizontal surface or you’ll be tracking dust around and breathing it in for months, but a commercial cleaning company will have the right tools to get things sorted in one go.

Creating a Safe Environment
Construction sites can be dangerous places, with things like nails and screws on the floor, or leftover wood and materials like paint and chemicals around. With a commercial cleaning company, London sites will be cleaned thoroughly, safely, and to the most immaculate standards, cleaning services that deliver a safe environment.

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Ask yourself these questions before you decide to dig out your basement | L SHAPE EXTENSION LTD

Building a Basement London Prices: How much do I want to spend?
As any basement company London-based team can tell you, building a basement is not cheap, but it doesn’t need to be too expensive either. Put simply, basement construction means digging up the foundations under your home, which is never going to be simple or really cheap, but there are things that can mitigate the cost involved, and when building a basement London customers need to know what these things are and consider how much to spend based on what space and value you get in return.

Do I Have Room to Expand Anywhere Else in the Property?
As we said above, when doing basement construction London homeowners know that digging under their house is never going to be a really cheap project. With this in mind, before building a basement London homeowners should consider whether their property has the potential to expand elsewhere. This can be adding a rear extension, or a two-story extension, depending on planning and property types. When considering basement construction London homeowners should be aware that they are not the best way to add space if you want natural light, which something like a loft extension could deliver better. As any basement company London outfit can attest, looking for the best way to create more space in your home is not always going to be solved by building a basement.

Is My Current Basement Wet or Dry?
When doing a basement construction that involves building a whole new foundation wall this isn’t a massive consideration as you will have easy access to build a great waterproofing system. When keeping your existing foundation and creating a new foundation inside the old one when building a basement London homeowners could encounter have complicated issues with waterproofing that may make this not the best approach, to consult a professional basement company.


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House Extensions London: How much value do they add to property?  | Dan Construction

When it comes to the cost of house extensions London customers soon discover that the type of extension, the house, the location of the property all affects the overall costing they can expect. Thanks to our home extensions London experience, we can provide some statistics that give a good indication of what you can expect when it comes to adding value with a house extension at your London property.

When you look at the banking industry research on the value of improvements to an average three-bedroom house found that an extension creating a double bedroom and en-suite can add up to 23% to the value of your property. An extra bathroom could add up to 6% and an additional double bedroom can add 12%. With this in mind, kitchen extensions, loft extensions, and all home extensions London homeowners do can be worth the initial outlay cost.

In a survey or 1000 home-improvers and found that an average extension cost was £19,750. The average return on investment for an extension was 71% and the average amount of profit generated by an extension was £14,000, making home extensions in London a good idea as you can recoup almost three quarters of the cost when you consider what it adds to your property value for resale.

When it comes to the value of house extensions London property owners should remember that these overall statistics are averages and can vary considerably from project to project, be it kitchen extensions, loft extensions, or other house extensions London property owners want.  For an accurate evaluation of how much value your extension could add you should consult a professional and find out the current market value of your property, as well as its potential value once the changes have been made. We’ve written another article that you might find helpful on the cost of house extensions London wide.