Many people have double glazed aluminium windows London bought. These soundproof the house and insulate the house to prevent heat loss. Over time, regular wear and tear can damage the seals around the windows. These seals prevent gas that is in between the two panes of glass from escaping. This gas is responsible for the window’s insulating effect. Damage to these seals causes the gas to escape and reduction in heat insulation, it also leads to structural destabilisation. Professional glaziers need to be called to repair the problem. However, there is a quick fix that you can perform to stabilise the glass, while waiting for the professionals.

Signs that your window is damaged are visible damage to the glass or seals, condensation on the internal pane of glass, which indicates water penetration, and fogging of the internal glass. If the window is not repaired these problems will get progressively worse as moisture accumulates. The window can no longer insulate the house efficiently and there may be a cold draught around the damaged window.

If the glass is broken, it needs to be replaced by a professional, the sealant however, can be temporarily fixed until a glazier arrives. In order to repair the problem the seal between the two panes of glass and window frame needs to be replaced. Solid adhesive is needed, such as: glue, silicone sealant or even duct tape. The adhesive will solidify and hold the glass and frame together more tightly. The window glass is very fragile and care needs to be taken to prevent harm to yourself or breaking the glass.

This is only a temporary, short term fix, the security and privacy of your home is at risk and it is crucial that you contact a specialist glazier to properly repair or replace the window.